Sunday, 24 May 2015

CODE1110: 300 Word Statement

Open Source Architecture: The Hylomorphic Project

The ‘Hylomorphic Project’, conducted by Open Source Architecture, explores the parametric and fractal design through the theories of material manipulation and systems thinking. The purpose of this project was to envision the possibilities of automating design solutions through the use of computational designs, and being able to create a form that can create its own structure in various kinds of spaces. Its’ simple and skeletal allows it to be a multipurpose structure and give it the ability to push the boundaries of its own design. 

Material manipulation in this case, refers to the concept of its flexibility and mesh form factor, which has then been transformed into its fractal design. Its use of ball bearing joints give the perception of free movement, portraying its flexibility and ability to morph into any geometrical shape within certain boundaries. This simple design also adds levels of possibility and extension to the structure, where unique interactive spaces can be created, allowing for effective use of an area. 

Furthermore, the theory of systems thinking refers to the synergy between major and minor components joining together to create an overall structured and complete form. The combination of small spherical steel bearing and timber beams allowed for a complete form and sturdy structure.

Similarly, the theory of geometric cohesion also closely relates to this project, where the form or structure of an object can be transformed and perceived very differently between people, creating more opportunities for effective design manipulation.

Its implementation of technology has been used through 3D modelling programs and digital fabrication software, stress tests were applied through a smaller 3D printed version as well as having multiple prototypes and frameworks. It uses parametric capabilities to be able to determine the positioning of the beams and bearings so the weight distribution is even between the structure.

The Hylomorphic Project effectively represents how the application of computational design can influence people to create such simple and applicable models and give them purpose in the real world. It allows people to theory-craft and think about what more can be done to allow this structure to be more practical and aid people in everyday life. 

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