Sunday, 22 March 2015

CODE1110: Morphogenesis and Emergence - Summary

This section in the text emphasise how the topic of morphogenesis and emergence have changed the way design calculations and fabrications are made as well as the precision of such processes and actions. ‘The term ‘emergence’ derives from system theory, where it defines the property of a system which cannot be derived from the sum of its parts’, this concept played a significant role in satisfying a complex theory with regard to self-organising systems in the study of nonlinear behaviour. Achim Menges’ essay in 2006 refers to the usage of these self-organising systems how its application allows for research on physical materials, structural designs and form finding.

 Menges’ theory explains how ‘performativeness is the quality of material systems that perform through deformation, or which visibly deform to self-organise and resist new external forces (loads)’. He accentuates the idea of the importance calculating the strength and stress levels of materials and how they perform when under a large amount of stress. In addition, these calculations could only be made through making scaled models whereas using computer-based programs and design it could easily be calculated and even perform tasks at the same level of ‘expert artisan makers’.

This article represents the importance and emergence of computer-aided design and calculations and how Menges communicated his ideas on its application through his theories and essays. 

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