Tuesday, 31 March 2015

ARCH1101: Image Renders

First Draft
Second Draft

Underground Workshop

Final Model - Workshop and Studio

Upper Level


Monday, 23 March 2015

Sunday, 22 March 2015

CODE1110: Morphogenesis and Emergence - Summary

This section in the text emphasise how the topic of morphogenesis and emergence have changed the way design calculations and fabrications are made as well as the precision of such processes and actions. ‘The term ‘emergence’ derives from system theory, where it defines the property of a system which cannot be derived from the sum of its parts’, this concept played a significant role in satisfying a complex theory with regard to self-organising systems in the study of nonlinear behaviour. Achim Menges’ essay in 2006 refers to the usage of these self-organising systems how its application allows for research on physical materials, structural designs and form finding.

 Menges’ theory explains how ‘performativeness is the quality of material systems that perform through deformation, or which visibly deform to self-organise and resist new external forces (loads)’. He accentuates the idea of the importance calculating the strength and stress levels of materials and how they perform when under a large amount of stress. In addition, these calculations could only be made through making scaled models whereas using computer-based programs and design it could easily be calculated and even perform tasks at the same level of ‘expert artisan makers’.

This article represents the importance and emergence of computer-aided design and calculations and how Menges communicated his ideas on its application through his theories and essays. 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

CODE1110: Antoine Picon - People, Computers and Architecture

Picon – People, Computers and Architecture – Summary

Picon talks about the validation of technology with regard to its involvement in architecture. He highlights the importance of using architectural thinking to effectively transport goods and building structures through the use of technology and how it has been increasing in popularity over the coming years.

In addition, he discusses the point of older generation architects deciding the length of which technology is to be used in design and structural planning. Picon is trying to explain how these architects act as the ‘god fathers’ and decide the boundaries of what tools can or cannot be used.

CODE1110: Antoine Picon - Introduction

Picon – Introduction – Summary

In Picon’s introduction he focuses on the point that the main question on architecture isn’t if technology should be used or not in design, but how we should use technology to better improve the complexity of innovative designs. However, Picon also explains how these technological advancements in architecture cannot be separated from the changes that affect the way we design, plan and communicate designs, as devices such as computers, smartphones, scanners etc.
In addition, Picon addresses the fact that architects must adapt to the current and emerging technology that is being introduced to architectural design to be able to understand the full scope of the subject. He confidently writes about technology being an undeniably positive impact on architecture unlike other architects/writers who question its place in the world of architecture.
Furthermore, Picon highlights the fact that architecture and technology go hand in hand, where they build off each other combined with the fact that the current generation of architects rely on technology and how this will affect architecture as a whole in the future. Moreover, he talks about the replacing of hardware with software to create models, infrastructure and multiple concepts that allow the communication of ideas to be seamless and easy to understand.

Picon’s opinion overall suggests that architecture didn’t necessarily need this technological evolution, however it is definitely a step in the right direction and has broadened the boundaries of architecture as a whole. 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

CODE1110: The Digital Turn in Architecture - Synopsis

In the text introduction, Carpo begins with explaining the difference between buildings that were assisted with digital design and those that were completely dependent on this technology. He focusses on how pre-1990s architecture influenced the use of technology post 1990s. The emergence of the digital turn with the application of calculus mathematics allowed for architects to create curves and folds combined with splines and ‘blob’ designs.

Carpo amplifies the significance of how Gilles Deleuze uses Leibniz’s mathematical theories of points of inflection and parametric notations to advance the world of architectural design. With the assistance of digital technology and application of mathematical equations, architects were able to create a whole new aspect of design in structures. Deleuze’s ‘Fold’ theory caught the interest of multiple architects and started the evolution of complex and ‘contemporary’ designs.
Furthermore, Carpo also addresses the introduction of new design software, the most prominent being 'Building Information Modelling’ (BIM), which was used to manage and generate digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. BIM expanded the boundaries of how complex a building could be designed, it allowed the users to set a new standard of structural design.

The text encompasses the fact that digital technology and architecture build off each other. Advancements in technology allows for advancements in architecture, Carpo explains how the highest standard in the past is what pushes people to do create a new standard in the present, and this was why digital technology revolutionised the world of architecture. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

ARCH1101: Client Pictures

Christian Benner Custom Jacket

  • Verb: Retire
  • Noun: Vintage
  • Adjective: Comfortable

Hazan Motorworks Motorcycle - Chosen Client

  • Verb: Empower
  • Noun: Muscle
  • Adjective: Stylish

Rolex Watch - Chosen Client

  • Verb: Circular
  • Noun: Prestige
  • Adjective: Classy